Samsung will try and stop iPhone 5 sales with legal action

By Admin 21 September 2012
Apple launches iPhone 5
Apple recently released the iPhone 5
 which features a new 4 inch screen
Samsung Will take legal action to prevent the sale of the iPhone 5 which was recently announced by Apple.  Samsung say that the iPhone 5 infringes patents they hold and that they wil take appropriate legal action.
Samsung recently lost a legal battle against the south Korean firm in the USA and were ordered to pay Apple $1billion.  Samsung are appealing the decision saying that it will limit consumer choice if their products are banned.  The two companies are also involved in various legal battles throughout ten different countries.

The iPhone 5 which was announced earlier this month got two million pre-orders in just 24 hours.  Apple have had to push back the dates in which customers will receive their devices due to more orders than anticipated.  The iPhone 5 will rival Samsung's Galaxy S3 device.

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