North Korea 'copies' Mac OS with latest Red Star OS

By Admin 05 February 2014

You may have heard of the likes of Samsung or even Microsoft pinching ideas from the tech giant Apple, but what about the worlds most isolated country; North Korea.  The country has it's own computer operating system named 'Red Star Linux' which is developed by the KCC (Korea Computer Centre).

The previous version of the OS (version 2) has a Windows style look to it:


Now, though, version 3 has been leaked by an american computer scientist lecturing at a North Korean university.  Version 3 clearly resembles Mac OS and is said to have been released sometime last year.  

One funny feature in the operating system is the calender which fails to recognise the conventional system and instead opts to tell users it's the year 103 as opposed to 2014.  This is based on the number of years since the birth of Kim Il-Sung, the former North Korean leader.  


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