Google Docs: Free, but does it compare to Microsoft Word?

By Admin 24 March 2013
Google Documents is an online, free service which allows you to create, read and share documents.  These include:  Text, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, drawing and table.  We had a go to see how easy they were too use:

The Documents are stored online in a way which is very like e-mail's.  You can Select, Star and easily delete or create documents.  Despite it being online, it is still very fast as long as you have a decent internet connection.  If you have or are thinking about buying a Google Chromebook then this is basically the only option of documents, which isn't too bad unless you want to be making complicated Spreadsheets etc.  Also, there isn't anything which is the equivalent of Publisher which could be a problem as this is ideal for making software.

Text Document:

The Text editing document software on Google Documents is very basic- which is what you would expect for a free piece of software.  However, it does beat the old Notepad which comes free with nearly every window's computer.  You can easily change colour text/ background colour and it is also easy and quick to upload pictures.  Printing is also easy and quick.  So, if you don't want to spend lots of money on Microsoft Word then this is definitely an option.


This is also a simple editor but with some benefits.  Text editing is easy and uploading photo's is extremely quick and easy.  You cannot upload or insert you own video's but you can insert YouTube video's easily- so if you're really desperate you can upload a video to YouTube first and then insert it into the document.  The layout and design is also very much like Microsoft's Powerpoint.

Offline (in Beta as of 14th December 2011): 

To do this you will need Google Chrome and the Documents app.  This means that you can access your document anywhere.


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