iPod touch 5- info

By Admin 13 September 2012
Yesterday, while announcing the iPhone 5 apple also made changes to two devices in their iPod range.  The Touch and the Nano.
This is the 5th Generation iPod touch and really Apple have just improved it.  Like the iPhone, the screen size has got taller and the iPod touch is now 4 inches.
Apple have also made it faster.  They have introduced the A5 processor chip to the device which we saw in     the iPhone 4S.
Another big difference is that the new iPod is really thin and really light.  It is just 88 grams (really light) but Apple also say that it's tough because it's made with the same high quality aluminium that is used to make Macbooks
Perhaps the biggest change, however, is that the new iPod touch now comes in five different colours.  These are: Black, white, blue, yellow and pink.  It also has a button on the back that can be transformed into a strap (see left picture).
It is, however, a bit more expensive at £170.00


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