Ativ Tab
Ativ tab
The first device announced by the south korean firm is the ativ tab which is the first Samsing device to run the windows 8 RT operating system.  The tablet screen size is fairly standars: 10.1inches.  
Ativ S
Ativ S

The second device announced was the Ativ S.  In the same range as Ativ tab, the S is the first Samsung smartphone the run the upcoming Windows 8 OS.  the phone has a 4.1 inch display meaning it is quite big compared to the rest of the market.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 review
The next device is also big for the phone market and that is the Galaxy Note two.  Described as a phablet, the device features a 5.5 inch screen, the only difference is thet the new Note is slightly taller and narrower than the first.  A new interesting feature on the note is AirView.  When a stylus is held one centimtere above the screen, a prieview is shown: For example, a photo album or an email.  
Samsung GALAXY S White2
The camera will run Android 

The last device announced was the Galaxy camera.  This device is very interesting as it is the first of it's kind, a dedicated camera which runs android.  It is actually a good idea, because photo editing apps can be downloaded and used and the device also comes with 3G or 4G meaning you can easily upload snaps to social networking sites such as Facebook.  Another feature is that you can send live images to smartphones.  Another feature on the device is voice control. 
Samsung GALAXY S White7

These four devices are the first to be announced since an American court came to the conclusion that Samsung had infringed Apples patents and ordered Samsung to pay just over $1 billion. Apple are continuing legal action against Samsung and they are now trying to get 8 of their devices banned.  Samsung has said it will appeal the decisions. 


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