Logitech keyboard case for iPad- review

By Admin 30 August 2012
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The Logitech keyboard is £90 on their website, however we got it for just under £40 from Amazon. The Keybard is also a case and fits around the iPad perfectly. (Note that this is designed for the iPad two and may not work with the earlier version).  The keyboard itself is very nice to use and connects really well with the iPad via Bluetooth.  It is very easy to connect and letters will appear instantly on the screen as you type- there is no delay.
Made for iPad 2The device comes with a short USB to Micro USb charger which is quite fiddly, however we found that it works perfectly with a blackberry charger.  As a case, the device is not ideal but it does make it easy to carry around, especially if you will use the keyboard a lot.
On the keyboard itself, the keys are specially adpted for the iPad.  There is a home button in the top right corner as well as a search button, a photo button, a keyboard buton, copy, cut and paste buttons, music forward, backwards, play and pause buttons, three volume buttons and finally, in the top right a lock button. As well as these, the keyboard also has the normal keyboard buttons.

The only downside of the Keboard case is that it does reduce the battery life of your iPad because of the constant use of bluetooth.  It reduces it from around 10 hours to 7 and a half.

Overall rating: 4.7/5.

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