Special report: Why haven't tablets replaced PC's?

By Admin 24 September 2012
Tablets have become more popular than ever and for many people now they are just part of everyday life.  Since the release of the Apple iPad, more and more companies have realised that Tablet computers can sell and be popular and now nearly all the big tech companies have their own version of a tablet.  E.g. Samsung, Nokia, Amazon (Kindle), Google and of course Apple.

But even though they are now so popular, why haven't these portable, light weight, touch screen devices replaced original computers?
The reason is simple.  We use computers for consuming information, for example from the internet, as well as playing games and watching video's, for entertainment purposes.  And what else are computer used for?  Information input.  Creating and inputting information into our computers.  this is the difference between tablet and computer.
Tablets are perfect for consuming information but not input.  If you have an iPad, or something similar, then you will most likely use it for browsing the web, checking Facebook or Twitter or any other social networking site, reading the news etc in apps, you might use it to read books and most likely you will play games or at least have a few games on it.   But it's hard to input information on a tablet.  Writing. Ok, so you may be able to use the on-screen keyboard but it isn't the same as a physical keyboard and most people find this a bit outputting off putting.  As well as this, you can't use your iPad for more complicated software.  There is no Microsoft Word App for a start and there is nothing like publisher or powerpoint on the device and so we need to use a computer.

The main reason that tablets haven't replaced PC's might be because they aren't meant be.  Tablets aren't, on average, as expensive as laptops and they're not marketed in the same way computers are.  They are meant to be used for games, apps and social networking.
However, tablets are getting more powerful and there are some accessories you can get, for example the Bluetooth keyboard for iPad or more complicated devices such as the music keyboard which can plug in to the device.  

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