
"MEGA" Launched by Kim Dotcom

By Admin 22 January 2013
Kim Dotcom, creator of MegaUpload and MegaVideo, has officially launched his latest website: Mega. This time last year, Megavideo and Megaupload were illegally shut down by the FBI on copyright grounds compromising user data.  The FBI raided the home of Kim Dotcom without warning and are now in the process of trying to extradite him to the United states to face charges.
So, a year later Mega has been launched.  Mega is different service to MegaUpload in some ways.  It is a file storage service like iCloud from Apple or Microsofts Cloud storage service.

However, it claims that all the data uploaded is completely controlled by the user.  None of it can be accessed by the Mega creators or anybody else for that matter.  The fact that this has been made so public could be because Mega fears being shut down because of copyright laws.

See the lauch here:

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