Nokia reveals new Tablet and Phablet lineup

By Admin 22 October 2013
Nokia has unveiled new windows phone handsets as well as their first ever tablet.  Firstly, they showed off two new phablets (Larger than normal phones).

The Lumia 1520 features a large 6in display, maknig it the largest windows phone ever released as well as a 1080p screen (also a first for windows phone).  The phone also 7.37 ounces as well as being, a fairly thin, 0.34 inches thick.  In terms of camera for the 1520, Nokia has given it a 20 megapixel version of it's 'PureView' technology.  As well as this, an Instagram app will be coming to Windows phone in the coming weeks.

The Lumia 1320 is similar to the 1520, but a low end device.  It has a smaller screen resolution at 720p but still has the same physical 6in screen. The camera is also weaker at just 4MP.  However, it will be a lot cheaper at $339 as opposed to $749 for the 1520.

Surface 2The last product to be announced was a Tablet, running Windows RT.  The Nokia Lumia 2520 is the first tablet running Windows RT made by a company other than Microsoft.  Unlike the Microsoft Surface, however, Nokia's offering comes with a 4G sim card.  It also runs on a ARM-based chip which improves the battery life, but does limit the programmes that can run on it.  

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