Special Report: Which "Cloud" service is best

By Admin 01 March 2013
Many people are starting to use "the cloud" to store their documents, photos and videos and there are many companies offering this service-  for example, Google Drive, Microsoft's SkyDrive, Apple's iCloud and the new: Mega.  But which one should you use?

Firstly, Google Drive.  Google Drive offers a more unique service than the others.  It is linked with Google Docs, which means you can edit documents such as Word processing, Spreadsheets, presentations and more.  Sharing files is also very easy, but one great selling point for Drive is that you can share documents with others and then edit them together real time.  Documents are also saved to the cloud as soon as you make a change, meaning there's no chance of you losing a file if something on your computer goes wrong.  Of course you can use Drive as a normal file sharing/ storage website and you are able to upload nearly all types of files including video's, Pictures etc.  The only problem with Google Drive is that it only offers 5GB of storage.  This is okay for simple word processing documents but can be too little if you want to be storing videos and lots of pictures online.  Storage can be upgraded, however you do have to pay.

DropBox is another could-based storage service that is similar to Google Drive.  You can make and edit "notes", however it only gives you 2GB of storage Free before wanting you to upgrade.  Even if you do upgrade, you can't go past 100GB of storage.

Microsoft's offering comes in the shape of SkyDrive.  Sky Drive doesn't have any editing services, although sharing is very easy through Microsoft or Live accounts.  You can also sync it with your computer and it gives you 25GB of storage which is five times that of Google.  Another advantage is that it seems pretty fast, especially compared to DropBox.

Apple's iCloud is another contender.  However, it does have many limitations that would prevent a lot of people from using it all together.  It isn't as open as SkyDrive and only allows you to upload things from iTunes or your iPod touch, iPhone or iPad.  In fact, it is only really useful for iPhone users backing up their iPhones notes, contacts or music in the cloud.  You aren't able to upload and store Word documents, everything has to have gone through Apple first.

Finally, "Mega".  Mega is the new product from Kim DotCom, the man who previously founded Megaupload and Megavideo.  Mega is a simple, but extremely fast, file storage and sharing service which offers an outstanding 50GB of data storage Free.  You can't edit documents or anything like that, but Mega is perfect for storing video's, Photo's and just everything you don't want to lose.  You can upgrade to 2TB for just 20 euros a month!

So, which one is best?
Well, Google drive is the most useful for editing and sharing documents, especially if you use Google Chrome , Gmail and Youtube.  It does have an android and iOS app which you can also edit your documents on, meaning you can use it on your smartphone making the service much more accessible   Compared to DropBox and iCloud- Google Drive is the winner.
However, if you want an online service which just stores lots of data which doesn't need to be accessed on the go then Mega and it's 50GB of storage comes out top.  It basically offers the same service as SkyDrive but just with more storage.
iCloud isn't particularly useful unless you use all of Apple's products.  Therefore, it isn't as good as the rest.#

Final Verdict: Google Drive for editing, Mega for storing!


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