
Apple could be expanding it's product range: Is an Apple watch on it's way?

By Admin 01 March 2013
Tim Cook- Apple's CEO
Apple's CEO Tim Cook has said that his company is "Looking at new categories" of devices.  This means that they could be expanding their product range past Computers, Phones and tablets.  A watch and TV have already been rumored.  The statement could also mean that more phone handsets could be released, for example a cheaper iPhone.  
A team of 100 people are apparently working on a watch- some kind of smartwatch.  This rumor was backed up a few weeks ago when a patent was released to the public showing Apple had patented designs for a watch with a flexible screen.  

Tim Cook also said that Apple "has some great stuff coming".  

However, with the rise of Android becoming ever more popular some analysts are already predicting the end of Apple.  The company is already predicted to drop down the list of most admired companies, after holding the top position for six years.  

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