Samsung S4 first hands on: Leaked video

By Admin 12 March 2013
A video has emerged which shows, what is said to be the new Samsung Galaxy S4.  The video is just over 3 minutes long and shows the overall design of the phone as well as a view of the Operating system.
However, comments on the YouTube video have accused the video of being fake due to the obvious lag shown when the OS was demonstrated.  Many user's are saying it is a "Chinese fake" with one person pointing out that:
 "In the teaser pic released by Samsung, the logo has an equal amount of bezel above and below it, and the earpiece can't be seen. This one has more bezel above the Samsung logo and a very visible earpiece" 

Samsung has scheduled an event on the 14th March where it will announce it's new flagship device which is expected to feature a larger 5 inch screen.
Earlier this month, this picture was leaked which also shows- what is believed to be- the Samsung Galaxy S4:


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