Chromebook Pixel: Google's touch-screen laptop unveiled!

By Admin 22 February 2013
Chromebook Pixel
Google has unveiled it's latest attempt to break into the PC market through the Chromebook Pixel, Google's first touch screen laptop.  It is named: "pixel" because, according to Google, it has the highest pixel density of any laptop on the market at the moment.  With 4 million pixels all together  it features an outstanding 239 PPI (pixels per square inch).  This is a similar to the display of Apple's macbook range.

Google told the BBC that the new device was "largely built by Google" and "manufactured globally".

The major difference between Google's Chromebook range and other devices is that it run's Google's Chrome OS.  The whole operating system is centered around "the cloud" meaning you need an internet connection to do literally everything.  The fact that there are nearly no offline features combined with not being able to put any 3rd party software on the device (e.g Microsoft word, and other programmes) has meant that the success of the device has been limited.

Although the hardware and specs of the new Pixel are extremely good, it is limited by Chrome OS.  It's basically just a touch screen, high resolution, fast and good looking web browser.  At a price of USD $1,300 it is asking a lot of consumers.  It even makes the Microsoft Surface pro look affordable.  

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