Nokia Asha phones prove popular in the budget market

By Admin 12 January 2013
In the past couple of years, Nokia has been struggling more than ever before.  unlike Samsung, the phone giant didn't adapt fast enough after the release of the iPhone and has been relying on sales of their cheap and basic handsets in developing countries.  Finally Nokia released two new series of handsets: Nokia Lumia and Nokia Asha.  Nokia Lumia are their premium handsets out there to compete with phones at the top of the  arket such as the iPhone and Samsung galaxy S3, they run Windows phone OS.  The Asha phones are cheaper and run their own software which is more basic.  So which has proved more popular?
Nokia Lumia 900
Nokia Asha 303

The Asha's! In fact, they have been outselling the Lumia handsets by 2:1 with just 4.4 million sold in the last three months of 2012 compared to 9.3 million Asha's being sold.  

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