CES 2013- The ZBoard Electric Skateboard

By Admin 10 January 2013

This is the Z board and the Zboard pro.  They are a new kind of electric skateboard that run on batteries and can reach up to 17Mph.
They work with 2 pads, one on each end of the board.  When you apply pressure (with your foot) to the front pad of your board, you move forward and when you apply pressure to the back pad you move back.

The non- pro Zboard goes a maximum of 15 MpH and costs $650. It has a range (on full charge) of just 5 hours.

The Pro-version can go 2MpH faster than the cheaper version at 17MpH.  It is also lighter, because of a different battery used however it does come at a price.  And that price is $300 more than the other version so, the Zboard Pro costs $950.  

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