Samsung galaxy note 2- info

By Admin 04 October 2012
Is it a phone? Is it a tablet?
It's a smartphone.  Samsung has finally given in and are now calling the galaxy note a smartphone.  This means that is the most powerful smartphone around and also the biggest.
The device features a 5.5 inch AMOLED HD screen which is not only touch screen but also touch sensitive.
Of course, another thing which is different to most smartphones is that the samsung galaxy note comes with a stylus.
One noticeable thing about the Note 2 is that it is really fast.  It has a 1.6GHz processor and an amazing 2GB of RAM.   Theres even a noticeable difference between the note and the S3.
It is also fairly thin (9.4mm) although not as thin as the iPhone 5 which is a very impressive 7.6mm.

Overall, the screen is very good and the device is very fast so it is great for browsing the internet, google maps and watching tv and movies.  The only flaws are that the device is expected to bevery expensive   (although the price hasn't officially been announced), also it is still to big to use as a phone.  Although phones are getting bigger,  the Note 2 is still too big for phone calls and you may look stupid with it up to your ear in public. 

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