Is blackberry finally going to make a serious entrance into the Smartphone world by providing us with a decent new Operating system?  Lets hope so.

The new BB OS 10 is described as being like the Playbook OS and also like android.  Blackberry have (finally) ditched the old BB OS look and taken up a whole new different approach with widgets and apps on pages you can scroll through like android and iOS.  You can have 16 apps on a screen at each time and you can bring up more apps by scrolling up and down.

BlackBerry 10 review
BlackBerry 10The keyboard is also completely different and now resembles an android-like style.  It is fast and responsive and is a lot better than previous touch screen blackberry phones but may take some getting used to if you still like the physical buttons.

A new camera interface has been designed for this system which includes features similar to iOS and Android.

APPS! Currently apps are rubbish on blackberry devices but these apps wont be able to run on the new software.  So, hopefully we're going to see better games and apps for a better OS.

BlackBerry 10 reviewSo, blackberry will have to release a whole new set of phones to run this new software, wont they? Yes. they will.  In fact, RIM has promised a full touch screen and a QWERTY keyboard phone.  According to rumors, the touch screen will go by the name of Blackberry London and the keyboard one will be called the blackberry Nevada.
They are also said to be releasing a new tablet, code named blackforest which may a larger screen than its current 7" one.

BlackBerry 10 reviewUnfortunately, if you already own a Blackberry of any kind you wont be able to upgrade to the new software on that device.  This means, a whole new start for Blackberry.

This whole new interface is said to be released in the first quarter of 2013 and is now still being tested and developed.  

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