Totally Man UA week ago, @TotallyManU started tweeting "breaking news for Man Utd fans".  However, there is something out of the ordinary here as the user claims to have given up their 'well paid job' to gain followers and retweets.  Here's their full account bio:

I left my job to start this account. My aim is to tweet breaking news for Man Utd fans around the world. Follow me on this incredible journey.
Their first couple of tweets were fairly standard:

However, they then preceded to announce some very important news: the launch of their Instagram account (it also comes with a state-of-the-art graphic):

It seems that the accounts reaction wasn't all positive, though, as they began responding to criticism.

They then carried on responding to criticism and also referred to themselves as CEO (of the Twitter account).

Their first bit of attempted journalism then didn't go too well:

An 'Instagram party' was then announced, however details weren't given out!

The party didn't seem to go down too well, as this was later tweeted:

In the mean time it was announced that they will be flying out to Madrid in order to carry out some real research into the latest MU news:

The, Finally!, the Instagram account was unveiled, and they were 'humbled and honoured to unveil the opening' of it:

However things then began to turn nasty as it turns out the Twitter user's journey wasn't quite so incredible after all:

The saga continues, though, as yesterday they announced they're coming back!


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