Microsoft tops Apple in phone sales

By Admin 23 July 2014
Microsoft sold more phones than Apple in the previous financial Quarter with sales of 36.1 million handsets in comparison to a 35.2 million figure posted by Apple.  However, not all is at it seems.  The sales are down to Microsoft acquiring Nokia in April for $4.6bn.  As well as this, Microsoft have said that the majority of the Lumia handsets sold, which account for 5.8 million / 36.1 million, were sold at low prices.


Apple clearly still have huge control over the smartphone market, however the figures we see here show that Microsoft/ Nokia are selling a large amount of handsets.  This, along with the ever-rising Android handsets from the likes of Samsung but also smaller and upcoming companies, may be worrying to Apple.  Of course, Apple will be able to hang on to their loyal 'fans' but if they don't do something big they'll undoubtedly lose sales in the long-run.

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