Solar Boost: Solar Panel Phone Charger Review

By Admin 08 January 2013
This of a review of THIS device which can be purchased HERE.

When you open up the box for the first time you'll see the device itself, a a cable which connects the device to USB, another lead which connects the device to a number of phone charger adapter heads.  There's a charger adapter for nearly every-phone, including Nokia, iPhone (4s and below), Blackberry (micro USB so works with many other phones as well e.g. Vodafone phones!, Sony Ericsson and many more.

It doesn't have much charge when you get it for the first time but it can easily charged up.  Of course, you can charge it up by the light outside and it does need to be quite light especially to charge up fully.  It does work from inside light but not as well.  You will know if it's charging as green LED light on the bottom will shine and when it turns red it will be fully charged.

There is another way to charge it up and that is by plugging it into the USB drive in your computer.  Again, the green LED will light up to show it's charging and if the charge is completely out it will take approximately four hours to complete.  It can store energy for a long time (over 6th months we think) and when fully charged it can provide enough energy to fully charge  a smartphone twice.  It can also charge Tablets and Portable video players, and there are different setting so that you can change the electricity output for different devices.

Overall it is a very different device as long as you keep in mind that it wont't charge up from the sun as fast as it will charge your phone.  So basically it needs to be charged before hand to use and as it has the big solar panel you can just leave it outside or next to a window inside and it will just charge all the time.  At around £20.00 it could be seen as being quite expensive but, in truth, it is well worth getting one of these.  Of course, this device featured in our 2012 Gadget gift guide  and we still stand by the idea that it makes a great gift for Christmas or somebody's birthday.

From GhekoTech, this device gets a 4.5/5* rating.  It's a really useful gadget, the only thing which is annoying is that it could have a quicker charging time from USB.  

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