How to: Make a Website!

By Toby 20 November 2011
There are many different ways you can make a website and Gheko tech is going to explain the three main and simple ways you can do so.

  1. Write it using HTML
  2. Use an online website editor such as or 
  3. Use Website making software such as Serif webplus. 
1) HTML:

Html is a code.  To start HTML you need to put:
Then you can put your information!  But first you need to learn the tags. For example:
<b> makes the writing bold.  When you want the writing to stop being bold you put <b/>
There are many other things you can do with more complex HTML such as make writing move.  For this you need to write:
<marquee> Example website <marquee/>
This would appear like this:

Example website

This is an example of what you can do with HTML:

Gheko Tech Website!
For more Html Tags, Go to our recommended website:

1) Online editor:

This is the easiest one as the website you use basically does everything for you.  The best one that we can find is: 

1) Software:

You can pay for a good one such as Serif Webplus but there are free ones such as PageBreeze which also converts your website to Html.  

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