Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4

By Admin 01 January 2014

Xbox One:

The Xbox one isn't the nicest looking console ever released, so we're guessing it's what's on the inside that counts.  Basically, it's a big, black box with an optical drive right in the middle left.  There's nothing really exciting their, but the controller has changed a bit.  Well, not that much but it's look is more refined and should be more comfortable to hold, though it keeps the same button positions and so you won't need to learn anything new. 

Unfortunately Microsoft hasn't yet told us many tech specs yet, but we do know a few things about the One. It will run on an 8-core AMD processor, with an impressive 8GB of RAM.  As well as this, the main version will be available with a 500GB hard drive and three USB ports.  Of course, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity will be available as well as a Blue ray drive. 

The software on the Xbox One is a bit confusing.  Firstly, there is an upgraded version of Xbox OS which will basically be like the one already running on the 360.  There is another OS running on the device which is some kind of Windows NT Kernel adaption.  As well as this, there's also a third OS which will let you move between the two others.  Microsoft say that multi-tasking is a big part of the Xbox One and the OS set up will be a part of this. 
Microsoft have announced eight new game franchises with the Xbox One, but didn't actually tell us what they are.  We do know that there will be updates to popular Games, including: FIFA 14, Madden 25, NBA Live 14, and more.  However, Xbox 360 games WON'T be compatible with the Xbox One so you'll have to get a load of new games if you do buy the Xbox One. 

PlayStation 4: 

The controller will be DualShock 4 and the design hasn't changed too much although does now feature a small touch screen and a share button on the back.  It also offers better vibration and motion features.  Sony has also told us that it will be able to playback 4K films but not games at this quality. 

One bad thing about the console is that it will definitely not be able to lay PS3 games. 

Sony also seem to have found a use for the PlayStation move and they say that it will play a big part in the PS4.  However, we don't know whether the PS4 wil be launched with the new Move controllers or with the new Eye camera. 

Something we haven't yet seen before on a console but that will feature on the PS4 is that you will be able to stream games on your PS Vita.  Other features include letting friends take over the game, to help you if your stuck, from their own consoles. 

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