Facebook to lose 80% of users by 2017?

By Admin 23 January 2014
Facebook has reached it's peak popularity and is now in decline, with user numbers set to fall by 80% in just three years - a new report says.  The idea that the most popular social networking website on the planet is about to crash and drop massively in popularity may, at first, seem just a little obscured.  However, the report does provide a good amount of evidence to back up it's claim. 

Google searches over time
One interesting point I found with this report (which can be found here) is the analogy and comparison of Facebook (and other social media sites) to disease:
"Ideas, like diseases, have been shown to spread infectiously between people before eventually dying out"
The point they're trying to make is that, like diseases, Facebook will just spread quickly and reach it's peak point with maximum numbers of users (People infected, to continue the disease analogy) and then finally die out.  Facebook has already 'spread infectiously' and is past it's peaking with only decline ahead. 

But the idea that Online social communication follows the same 'popularity' pattern as diseases is not the only evidence pointed out by this report.  Using Google trends, and analysing the data for the search term 'facebook', we can get a fairly accurate figure of it's popularity over the past few years.  The data is fairly worrying- at least from Facebooks point of view. 

The chart above shows a fall in early 2013, just before the first reports came out suggesting Facebook was beginning to lose younger users.  The comparison with MySpace is also worrying for Facebook.  The report shows that Facebook is following the same pattern as MySpace and is currently poised on the edge of a mass decline in users. 

Is this the end for Facebook?  Comment below:

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