'Easter eggs' around the web! (2014)

By Admin 25 January 2014
These all work at the time of publication:

Do a barrel roll 

This is the classic, been-around-for-ages Easter egg in Google which will make the page spin if you type in 'do a barrel roll'.


This is another one which has been around for some time.  Type 'Askew' into Google and the page will tilt.

Google Gravity

Click Here! For a Google where gravity occurs and the elements of the webpage fall to the bottom.  Even search in the search bar and results will fall down!


Search 'anagram' Google and you'll get a 'did you mean nag a ram'! 

Number Of Horns A Unicorn Has

Search Google For " Number Of  Horns On A Unicorn " The calculator will tell you that it's one.

Google's User Interface *Pirate Style *

Click Here For Google's Pirate User Interface.

Google's Muppets' Swedish Chef User Interface

Click Here For It.

Google's Hacker User Interface

Google Created An User Interface For Hackers Too ! Click Here.

Google's Pig Latin User Interface

Click Here For It.

Google's Klingon User Interface

Click Here For It.

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