"Bing it on!" Bing tries to prove superiority over Google in online test

By Admin 24 January 2014
Microsoft owns search engine Bing is obviously inferior to everyone's beloved Google, isn't it?  Apparently not, according to Bing and the people who've taken the online "Bing it on!" test.  The test, which can be found on www.bingiton.com, asks to search for 5 different things and then, displaying them anonymously side by side, makes you pick which one is best. 
The idea is actually quite good, and Bing says that more people are choosing Bing for the top web searches. 

However, I have a couple of problems with it.  Firstly, Bing is very quick to suggest some things you can search for.  Now, I'm not saying they're cheating, but it could be that Bing have made sure that these searched return the right results in favour of them.  Just a theory, though.

Another little problem I have with it is that, when I did it, Google won!  3-1 (with one draw), Google was a clear winner. 

But you can go and see for yourself! www.bingiton.com!  Try it out and comment below!

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