
Google launches Google Nose, treasure maps and Gmail Blue!

By Admin 01 April 2013
Google is taking part in April fools day this year, by 'introducing' Google Nose.  The 'Google aromabase' claims to have 15 million + different smells.  These were collected by their 'Street sense vehicles' which have 'inhaled and indexed millions of atmospheric miles'!
Watch the video! (below)

Google have also added a treasure mode to their Maps app.
It says:

 Start Treasure Hunting
  • Explore 2D hand drawn landmarks
  • Find hidden treasure chests
  • Beaware of pirates!
Treasure Maps is our Beta Maps technology and has certain system requirements. Your system may not be able to display at higher resolutions than paper print. Take care when unfolding the map to avoid ripping it.                                                                

You can also go into telescope mode- the treasure maps version of street view.

Google have also announced Google Blue, where they show off how everything is blue. Take a look:

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