Samsung confirms a "Samsung Galaxy watch"

By Admin 19 March 2013
Samsung's mobile executive has said "We've been preparing the watch for so long" as well as stating "We are preparing products for the future and the watch is definitely one of them", C-net reports.  Screen shots of what is said to be the watches interface have also been leaked:

The watch is rumoured to be code named 'Altius', however there has been no evidence suggesting when this watch will be released.
I has also been heavily rumoured that Apple, Samsung's biggest rival in the smartphone market, is working on a Smart watch- the iWatch maybe? (See that here!).
A successful kick starter project called the Pebble watch was one of the first Smart watches to be released. It can connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth and is able to display recent messages etc. as well as the time.  

Would you buy a Samsung Galaxy Watch or maybe an Apple iWatch? Comment below:

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