Google launches memo app: "Google Keep"

By Admin 22 March 2013
Google Keep
Google have launched Google Keep, a memo sharing app useful for keeping written notes, voice notes and annotated photos.  The two biggest leaders in this market are Microsoft's OneNote and Evernote- which has 15 million users.

"Every day we all see, hear or think of things we need to remember. Usually we grab a pad of sticky notes, scribble a reminder and put it on the desk, the fridge or the relevant page of a magazine... "With Keep you can quickly jot ideas down when you think of them and even include checklists and photos to keep track of what's important to you," - Google Software engineer.
The information you keep on Keep will also be stored in Google drive and in the app itself users are able to speak memos and the software will turn it into a written memo.

Currently the app is only available on Android devices running Android OS 4.0 or above, however we do expect to see it come out on other platforms like iOS.  

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