Advertising opportunities on GhekoTech!

By Admin 16 March 2013

Google Page Rank: 1
Total views: 53,000 (as of 13/03/13)
October 2012 page views: 7500

Scroll down for E-book and Magazine sponsoring opportunities

There are two main places which are currently available for advertisements:

1) Top Banner

This appears on every page and post of Ghekotech meaning it will be seen by any person who is on the website.  Current prices for this position are:
For Technology-related advertising: CPM: £1 or US$1.5
This means you pay the above price for 1000 impressions.
Non technology-related advertising is only sold in the sidebar position.
Contact: for more details.

2) Sidebar position

This also appears on every page, although isn't as noticeable.
Technology-related advertising: CPM: £0.90 or US$1.4 
Non-tech related advertising: CPM: £0.5 or US$1.0
Contact: for more details.

Ghekotech gets around 200 views per day and about 150 unique views.  

Sponsored posts: contact for info.

Sponsor or advertise in a publication:

You can now advertise in our next magazine!  Extremely cheap rates, you can even buy advertising on the front page- just £15 or $20! Contact

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