Two new PS3's from Sony!

By Admin 19 September 2012
Sony PlayStation 3
New look for new PS3 Models
Sony have announced two new Play Station 3 devices in a bid to increase sales.  Both versions feature a new, significantly smaller design.  They are said to be half the size and weight of the origional PS3 models which launched in 2006 and 25% of the size and weight of more recent models.
The first version will be 12GB, meaning it will be the cheapes Play station ever.
The other model is the complete opposite and has a 500GB hardrive.  Despite this, the price will not increase from the previous 320GB version.

The 12GB version will sell for £180 in HMV and is going to be aimed more at the Family market.  The price makes it more family- friendly as well as new wonderbooks thing which are like animated books on the screen, playing through the PS3.  They will be trying to take some of the market dominated by Nintendo with their Wii console and these new devices will aim to cmpete asgainst the upcoming Wii U.
Sony will also hope that these new consoles will be able to get back sales which are being taken by Xbox.  Microsofts console has outsold the PS3 in the USA for the past year and so this could help PS3 come back and also help through the Christmas season.  

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