New iPod Nano- info

By Admin 13 September 2012
Apple have completely "renanoed" the Nano and it now comes with some  some interesting features.
The first major difference is that it now comes with a home button and looks like a rather a smaller iPhone.  The design also resembles the Nokia Lumia 800... and Apple say that everyone copies them.
It's also really thin. 5.4mm to be precise, making it the thinnest iPod ever.  The screen has also changed.  It's nearly 2X the size of the previous device and is now 2.5 inches.  It's also multi touch but it doesn't run iOS, it runs a more basic operating system which is smaller.  It also comes with bluetooth and radio.
It also comes with the updated "lighting" connector and the new EarPods which were also announced yesterday.
You can buy it new from the Apple store for £129.00


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