iPhone 5 Vs Samsung Galaxy S3

By Admin 14 September 2012
Now that Apple have released the iPhone 5 we can compare what will be the two most competitive smartphones in the Market.

Apple is right to say that their new device is the thinnest smartphone in the market.  It is only 7.6mm thin compared to a slightly bigger 8.6mm from Samsung.  The iPhone is also lighter than the S3 at 112 grams while Samsung offering is 133 grams.  So the iPhone is better so far and, even though this is really a matter of opinion, we think that it does look better than the S3.  The iPhone 5 is stylish and modern whereas the S3 looks a bit dated and maybe not even as nice as the S2.
So far the iPhone looks like it has the lead...

Display and Screen
The screen size is 0.8 inches bigger than have just iPhone (4.8") even though Apple have just increased the size of the iPhone screen for the first time ever.  It is really a matter of opinion when deciding what is the right size for a smartphone screen but Apple reckon that they've got  it "Just right".  The resolution is also better on the iPhone at 1136X640 compared to the 720X1280 S3 resolution.  Samsung boasts about it being HD while Apple show off their Retina display.
Apple have the better resolution, but some might want the extra size of the screen, it's a very close contest at the moment..

Operating System
This is really comparing iOS 6 which isn't out yet and Android 4.0.  Everyone has their own opinion on which one is better and it really depends if you like to customise it or not. If so, then maybe the S3 is for you.  If you want something more straight forward and very simple to use then it's probably the iPhone.

Seeing as the iPhone hasn't been properly tested yet, it's hard to tell if it's as good as Apple say it is.  The iPhone uses the new A6 processor which we don't know how many cores it uses but apparently makes the device run 2X faster.  Samsung have a tried and tested 1.4GHz processor which is really fast.
At this point, we don't know which is better so we'll give this one to Samsung...

Apple are very picky about the storage they let you have.  Like the S3 you can get 16Gb, 32GB and 64GB but in the iPhone there's no space to pop in a micro SD card to top it up.  This is a complete contrast the the S3 where you can add up to 64GB on top of what is already there as well as using your FREE 50GB dropbox cloud storage that comes with the phone.
The S3 is definitely better at storage than the iPhone.    

Finally... The price
Apple are valuing their new device quite highly it would seem, with the cheapest 16GB version costing a giant sum of £529.00.  Compare this to the 16GB s3 which costs just £425.00 and there is around £100 difference. You can also get the 32GB S3 cheaper than the cheapest iphone for £470.00
Clearly , the Samsung Galaxy S3 wins this round. 

Overall verdict.
The Apple faithful will still convince themselves that the iPhone is the best phone in the world and maybe they are right.  However, the price and storage capabilities fall far from the S3 and while Apple are still desperately hanging on to there huge share of the market, they definitely have big competition on their hands.

Which do you thinks better?  Comment below:

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