HTC announce Windows phone's: 8X and 8S

By Admin 19 September 2012
HTC have taken a new approach to the smartphone market by releasing two new Windows Phone: the appropriately named 8X and 8S.   HTC will hope to increase sales with these latest releases after a fall in popularity after with their other phones.
The first and larger phone is the 8X which features a 4.3 inch screen.  This is about average for a Smartphone at the moment (remember Apple have just increased the size of their iPhone to 4.0").  The 8X will also have a pretty good Camera (8Megapixels) and will come with 16GB of internal storage.  It will weigh 130 grams.
Both the phones, the X and the S, will come in a variety of colours which will match the Windows 8 OS tiles.  The colours also slightly resemble the Nokia Lumia series including the new 900 which was announced before these HTC phones but will most likely come out after.
The 8S will have a slightly smaller 4.0 inch screen and will have 5MP camera so presumbly it will be cheaper.

Samsung have also announced phones which will run Windows 8, but it still isn't as popular as market leader Android and Apples iOS.
HTC will face tough competetion from not only other Windows 8 phones but also phones running other operting systems.

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