FIFA 13- Demo released

By Admin 12 September 2012
The FIFA 13 Demo was released yesterday on PC, Xbox and Play Station 3.  It came out in that order, slightly annoying PS3 users.
On Xbox the download was 1.4GB which is quite a lot, although it does come with full graphics.  In the Demo, there are six teams you can play as or against, these are: Manchester city, Arsenal, Juventus, AC Milan and Borussia Dortmund.  Strangely  Barcelona aren't included in the teams despite their player Messi featuring on the front cover.
A new feature to the games means that the commentators will comment of live news.  Apart from this, the game is very similar to FIFA 12 apart from a slight change in the design and interface of the game and obviously the teams and players are more up to date.  There is no obvious difference between the Graphics on FIFA 12 and the new demo although they might say they have improved it.
If you have a 4GB Xbox then you might have to fee up some space for the download.

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